A part of SEO that some people neglect is backlinks. Here at our Chelmsford link building agency, VerriBerri, we can work with you to secure quality backlinks for your business. Any backlink we secure for you will be on reliable and trustworthy websites that will have a positive impact on your SEO value, as they meet Googles E-A-T requirements. 

We are going to talk you through the basics of link building and how it ties in with SEO.




Link building is a strategy that can positively impact the SEO value of your website. It will help to increase your ranking in the SERP and allow you to gain more organic traffic to your website. A backlink is the name given to a link that is on someone else’s website that links back to yours. Some think this is the key to SEO, but backlinks cannot boost your site value unless you also have a solid base to work from. 



The reason link building is predominantly used is to increase Google ranking. This, along with other areas of SEO, can help to increase your organic traffic, your online visibility, your revenue, and your sales. Here at our Chelmsford link building agency, we know that Google likes to see links to your page on other websites.

It acts almost like a vote of confidence and a symbol of trustworthiness to show the algorithm you know what you’re talking about. It shows that people are interested in what you have to say and that they value your content. Research has shown that those website with a higher number of backlinks will inevitably rank higher on the SERP. This is why link building is so important to your SEO strategy.





Those sites that you have backlinks on must be relevant to your website, brand, and industry. It won’t be helpful to your SEO or your brand image to have backlinks on a non-relevant website. If you are a fashion brand, you should not have back links on a food website. This is not going to reach your desired target audience. Also, the readers on that website will have no interest in clicking the link to your website. You run the risk of decreasing the amount of traffic you are likely to get through that backlink. When you are obtaining your backlinks, make sure you are looking for publications within your industry and your niche.




Even before we talk about domain authority, we need to touch on authority in general. Any backlinks you secure should be on websites that have authority within your industry. It can also be a sit with general authority such as BBC News or Wikipedia. These types of backlinks will generate helpful and healthy traffic to your website. 


Domain authority


Without a good domain authority, the website hosting your backlink should have a good domain authority, otherwise it will be classed as a spammy link. Google likes to see websites with a domain authority of between 40 and 50. This is the average. Domain authority from 60 to 100 is considered to be the best and most trustworthy. If the authority is under 30, Google will class it as spam. 


Follow vs no follow


Not all backlinks are made equal. You need to look out for follow and no follow links; one of these will affect your SEO and the other will not. Follow links will go through to your website and boost the SEO value. No follow links and links created through coding. This coding tells Google’s crawler bots to not follow though to your site, therefore, not benefit your SEO at all. This often happens then a hosting website is trying to protect itself, for example, a website that is likely to get spammy comments with other links in them.


Anchor text


When your backlinks are added to content, they should be attached to anchor text. Anchor text must be relevant to the URL as it will help crawlers identify what your website is about. 


Quality vs quantity


Without quality backlinks, there is no point in having a large quantity. The backlinks need to be placed on websites with relevance and high domain authorities. They must also be placed on anchor text.



To earn backlinks, you must ensure the content you create is worthy of being referred to. If you content if not of good quality, people will not want to refer to it. It must be informative relevant and interesting. To do this, you must include keywords, write for your target audience, and answer questions.

Our PR department at our Chelmsford link building agency, VerriBerri, are always pitching to journalists to gain media placements and backlinks in online articles for you. We ensure that every online publication we pick is a good and authoritative website. Our well-established list of journalist contacts contains people from all industries to ensure we pitch to the most relevant to you.



We are experts in obtaining valuable backlinks and have been doing this for clients for over 12 years. The teams at our agency work together under the same roof. This promotes a collaborative working style and it allows our separate departments to come together to brainstorm new, exciting, and fresh ideas. Our PR department can work closely with our SEO department to ensure your PR campaigns and SEO strategies are aligning to produce effective and cohesive results. 

As well as SEO and PR, we also offer other digital marketing services including:

  • Event management
  • Graphic design – branding/rebranding and web development
  • Social media management 
  • Business development 

If you think your brand could benefit from a link building strategy or any of our other services, we are here to help. Do not hesitate to get in touch by clicking here with our friendly team today so we can start discussing your strategy, we would love to hear from you!