Construction SEO Agency – If your construction business needs help with marketing, a good place to start is with the SEO. Although you will always benefit best from the help of a marketing agency; you can do some of the elements yourself that will help your website rank. 

The bad news is that the construction industry is saturated. You’ll find most of the companies rely on SEO and email marketing to promote their companies. The good news is that those that use social media, don’t do it well and very few manage to implement a PR campaign of any value. However, before you start with a social or PR strategy, you need to have your SEO pinned down. The simple fact is; if you expose yourself to the public, people will start looking you up and finding out more about you. If they start Googling you or your services and you’re nowhere to be found, it just doesn’t look good. So step one is SEO.  I’m going to base this blog around WordPress, because, generally speaking, it’s the platform most construction companies build their website on. 


What is SEO? 

SEO is what makes your website rank. A good example is it’s the reason you’re reading this blog right now. You were looking for a construction SEO agency and search engines deemed this article relevant and interesting for you. 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. In layman terms, that means you are making sure your website can easily be found for particular search terms by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. 

Strong SEO strategies mean you not only can be found for these key phrases or search terms, but that you rank well for them. It’s a well known fact that most people won’t scroll past the first page of search results so not only do you need to be there, but you need to be as high up the rankings as possible. 

SEO can be confusing, but with guidance and a solid strategy you can get a lot of business, and money by using it. 

Why do I need SEO? 

SEO brings a lot of benefits to your company. As above, these are mainly based around more business and more money. If you use a construction SEO agency your results will naturally be better, but there are things you can do yourself too. Great SEO will bring you more people to your website, better brand recognition, more enquiries, respect from your industry, and of course, a higher turnover. 

Search engine results tend to bring in a higher rate of enquires than any other marketing method. Companies like Google use sophisticated algorithms to determine who should be ranking. You must remember that they are a business, if people search for something and don’t get the result they want, they won’t use that search engine anymore. Look what happened to Ask Jeeves! 

If your content and website isn’t optimised, search engines will not know they should rank you, how to rank you, or what you are trying to do. What is the reason for your site and who would be interested in you? 

What can you do yourself? 

SEO is technical and the information you need to abide by to succeed is ever changing, however, there are some things you can do to help yourself if you think your site needs a hand. 

Check your site’s visibility.

WordPress sites have an option built in that lets you choose if your site is hidden from, search engines. It goes without saying that you need to make sure your site can be crawled. Sometimes this is accidently set to hide, so you need to keep an eye on it! The reason for this setting is so when you are working on the site, usually making major changes; you can toggle off until you are done. All you have to do to check is to log into the admin area of the website and click on ‘Settings’ and then ‘Reading’. Once inside you can tick (or untick) a box to your visibility preference. This can be an easy fix for a non-ranking website. 

Use a plug in.

Either ‘All in One SEO Pack’ or ‘Yoast’ are excellent plugins for WordPress which can help you manage your SEO. Once you upload your content it will show you if it is likely to rank or not. Our favourite is Yoast, which is simple to use and shows you a traffic light system. Red is unacceptable to rank and green good to go for SEO, readability of your pages and posts. You can also take full advantage of this option to add a title, description, and focus keywords to further enhance the probability of ranking. 

Make sure your URL structures are SEO friendly.

This sounds much more technical than it is. Essentially, a URL is friendly if it can be easily read. If you are, for example, promoting groundworkers your URL should look like this: The URL should not look like this Keep it simple and make it so the reader can guess what topic you will be writing about from a glance. You can check this is automatically set up in WordPress by going into the admin area of your website and clicking on ‘Settings’ then ‘PermaLink’. From here you can choose the URL structure. 

Internal linking.

When you post any content, you should link from one of your pages to another. Try and make each of your blogs or pages link to three of four other posts or pages to keep your site flowing nicely. Try to imagine your website as a body and the SEO as blood, the links are veins. You need to send SEO from one page to another for best SEO practices. 

We hope this brief overview helps you with your website. If you need a construction SEO agency to help you dominate your sector and gain more contracts; you’re in the right place. We have eleven year’s experience and construction specific experience both in marketing, and the sector itself. Please click here for more information and a bespoke quote with a 48 hour turnaround.