Eco friendly Marketing means we have to Go Green. Concern over the environment has been a prominent issue for quite some time. It is therefore no surprise that many companies are under scrutiny following recent the uprising support for sustainable laws to be passed by the Centre for International Environmental Law.

The use of ‘going green’ as a USP (Unique Selling Point) has also featured eminently in the business world. However, areas which generally escape the spotlight are marketing and promotion. Maybe that’s because they have new tricks up their sleeve…

The evolution of eco-friendly marketing

Since the invention of paper in 200BC and the industrial revolution in 1760, businesses have been using print (amongst other tools) to promote their business. This was through posters, leaflets, pamphlets, letters, brochures, banners… The list could go on.

Suddenly it’s 1991: the World Wide Web has just launched, but businesses tip-toe around the internet for years. Initially it is used by scholars and academics to share knowledge. Over the last 23 years the internet along with culture and technology has developed to suit business’s needs.

Marketing moves with culture and technology. Advanced smartphones and tablets have enabled greater opportunities and with social networking a massive phenomenon. (With just over 1.28 people using Facebook alone)keen marketers know they have hit the jackpot.

Now it’s 2014: and l am researching a marketing blog to write with a niche and a twist, the world at her fingertips. Anything is accessible if she just looks hard enough. Suddenly it hits her.

Due to the advance of technology and innovation of marketing businesses like the VerriBerri marketing team’s has gone green. Billions of people universally log into the internet every day and promote research, buy and sell products and businesses now flourish through the e-market receiving 50%+ of all business interest through the internet.

Paper usage for marketing companies and departments is expensive, time consuming, scrutinised by a culture of liberal e-fads and exceedingly ineffective as new generations are born into a technological age.

So why not join us? Click here to contact us for all of your eco friendly marketing needs.