Organic SEO agency in Chelmsford talks – Quality Content

One of the questions we are most frequently asked is ‘how do I help my website rank?’

There are a number of factors you need to take into consideration. The three most common are:

  • Quality content 
  • A great linking strategy 
  • Optimising your images 

You can find the latter two points on other blogs, and we have linked to them too. (All you have to do is click on what you are interested in above.) Today, we are going to talk about great quality content. 

Content marketing and a high performing SEO strategy are so closely linked they are actually intertwined.  The benefits of quality content are:

  • Connection with the site visitor
  • You can educate the reader
  • Showing that you are a thought leader in your field
  • You can build your reputation. 
  • Standing out from the competition
  • You can increase your search rankings. 

Let’s be brutal here, what is the main point of your website? It’s to make sales. As such, we can confidently say that with all of the above benefits in mind; the most important one is that you will drive more traffic to see what you are selling. 

Organic search is, without question, the biggest source of website traffic. 

Where do you put your best content? The stuff that shows you know exactly what you are doing? That’s right, on your website! Take a look at your analytics and ask yourself; what are the topics that your visitors are most interested in? These are the highest visited pages with the most amount of time spent on them. Ideally, action will be taken from these pages too. 

Organic content is the best online source for quality leads. Depending on the type of key word or key phrase you choose, you can hone in on the user intent. What this means is as follows: Let’s imagine you are selling trainers. If you want to rank for the word ‘shoes’ not only is this going to be extremely difficult, but it’s also highly competitive. More importantly, what is the intent of the search. Is the user looking for high heeled shoes? A photo of some shoes? Information on how shoes are made? Or do they want to buy a pair of shoes? Now let’s narrow it down a little. Now let’s say you choose the key phrase ‘running shoes’. You are more likely to find people who are looking to buy something, but it’s still a bit hazy.  They could still be looking for images or manufacturing information. 

So, what we really want are phrases like ‘running shoe shop London’ – now we know we have a chance of making a sale! Based on the type of search query you are attracting; you can start to qualify the leads by way of user intent. You need your search volume to equal quality, which you just can’t do when you are being broad. Equally, you need volume as this gives you a higher chance of conversion. Use tools such as Google Trends to show you the volume of traffic you can expect from a search. Whilst determining a specific ROI for content marketing alone can prove difficult; you can track and measure your SEO results, which are a direct reflection of the three SEO activities that our Organic SEO agency in Chelmsford highlighted above. 

Cost effective. 

When compared to other methods of marketing, organic search is the most cost-effective avenue. Although well done SEO will never be cheap, the ROI is astounding. Additionally, although you will need a professional for many elements, you can keep costs down by, for example, helping with content. (If writing copy is one of your skills of course) 

Write for people optimise for Google

This is a concept many struggle to implement, but it’s so important. After all, how did you find this blog? Your content needs to hit two targets. It needs to appeal to people (i.e. potential customers) whilst answering a problem. Effective copy will prompt people to take action. It could be filling out a form, contacting you, buying a product… anything that has an end result. SEO copy is effectively sales but written in a way that imparts knowledge. Within this you need to use the keywords and phrases we spoke about earlier; but this should be done in a natural way and not just stuffed into the body of the text. 

Additionally, you need to write in a way that attracts attention. Think about the headlines you use. Take this blog for example:

Organic search is, without question, the biggest source of website traffic.  – This is a statement that should pique curiosity, if the reader has an interest in growing their enquiries; which I assume is why you are reading this blog.

Cost effective. By explaining that the method of marketing isn’t inaccessible you retain the interest of the reader and they are likely to want to know more. 

Write for people optimise for Google – It’s good advice, but what does it actually mean? People will have to read on to find out more. 

Size matters. 

Well it certainly does to Google! The ideal length of a blog for SEO in 2020 is circa 2000 words. That being said, if you only have enough to say for 1,000 words don’t be unnecessary and pad it out with useless text. This will have the opposite effect to what you want, and people will leave the page. That will cause Google to think you have uninteresting content which will have an adverse reaction for your SEO. 

Couple that with the fact that search engines want you to be putting out a blog frequently; ideally twice a week as a bare minimum, and you may face a problem creating engaging content as things can dry up pretty quickly! 

No one will tell you how often you should and must blog because it depends on your in-house capabilities, but put it this way; companies who blog 2.5 times a week get a proven 4.5 times more leads than those who publish one blog a week. Furthermore, blogs with over 1,000 words rank better than those without. Google now penalises you for writing ‘thin content’. This is a blog or page which is short and therefore offers ‘little to no value’. If you are creating blogs of 300-500 words; you are at risk of putting out thin content and consequentially are wasting your time and potentially, harming your site. 

Contact US

We hope that this short explanation has helped you to understand the value of quality content, and the amazing things that it can do for your site. If you are struggling with either the time or know how, click here to get in touch! Our Organic SEO agency in Chelmsford offer both a consultancy and full-service agency, so can offer as much or as little help as you need.