Our dedicated Essex-based PPC agency provides nothing but the best to every one of our clients. We have helped a myriad of businesses find their place within the market, ensuring a stable future is built along the way. In doing so, however, it’s important to ask the question “Do you need PPC in your digital marketing strategy?”.

Our multi-service agency has over a decade of experience working with businesses across a multitude of industries. With this in mind, it’s safe to say that we’re well-placed to answer this question for you. Furthermore, with multiple awards and glowing testimonials to our name, you can be left with no doubt that we will deliver whatever we promise! 


PPC: What Is It and Who Needs It?


There’s every chance that this blog is your first encounter with PPC, so we would be remiss to not provide a brief explanation. Here, we will go into not only the technique itself, but also why certain brands should implement it.

PPC – or ‘Pay Per Click’ – is a non-organic type of search engine marketing (SEM). As with search engine optimisation (SEO), PPC is a marketing method commonly used by countless brands in order to improve their SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) visibility.

You know when you search for virtually anything on Google and the first few results are always labelled with ‘ad’? This means that the companies in question have implemented a PPC campaign. To clarify further, this means they’ve paid for this specific search term to rank at the top. Should someone click the ad, the company will be charged. Pay Per Click is about as literal as you can get.

Truthfully, there are very few companies that aren’t suited to a PPC campaign. Regardless, all your options should always be thoroughly evaluated before a decision is made. Including PPC in your digital marketing strategy is, however, guaranteed to provide a boost of traffic to your site. You can’t turn your nose up at that!


How Will PPC Elevate My Brand?


At VerriBerri, we see brands benefitting from this strategy every single day. Assuming you have invested your money into valuable keywords (another thing we will help with), PPC will do much to elevate your brand!

In fact, a solid PPC campaign will help you:

  • Generate quick and effective results
  • Amplify your traffic and CTR (Click Through Rate)
  • Improve your brand recognition
  • Enhance your discoverability

What Does Our Essex-Based Agency Do?


When in charge of your PPC campaigns, we would assist in managing your budget distribution. Initially, this will involve getting familiar with your brand and garnering a full understanding of your goals. From here we can tell you how to implement PPC in your digital marketing plan and help you invest in the most lucrative keywords. As an ongoing process, we will constantly review your options to ensure you’re guaranteed the best possible ROI. Furthermore, the results of your campaigns will also be monitored, with funds being reallocated wherever needed.

This process can seem quite deceptively straightforward. Implementing a PPC campaign can become complicated very quickly, however. To ensure you receive the best results, getting in touch with an agency like VerriBerri is certainly advisable!


What Is SEO?


SEO is a process that ensures that a website is aligned with the Google algorithm. An SEO specialist will make specific modifications to your website in order to improve its end-user experience. This can involve anything from boosting the site’s loading speed to optimising it for mobile devices. As more boxes are ticked, up goes the likelihood of Google promoting your website.

As an organic form of search engine marketing, there are no direct costs involved in generating a higher level of traffic through SEO – unlike PPC. This incredibly technical practice almost certainly demands a team of specialists, however.


Should I Choose PPC or SEO?


Following this basic understanding of both SEO and PPC, now you’re surely pondering which technique will be best suited to your business. Including either SEO or PPC in your digital marketing campaign has both pros and cons, making this quite a difficult question to answer.

If you’re dead-set on fast results, pay per click will certainly be better suited to you. PPC is so fast, in fact, that you may even see results come through on the day the campaign is launched! But when paying for a strategy with near-immediate results, longevity must be sacrificed. Furthermore, PPC campaigns can reflect badly on your brand when not executed carefully, as they will make your business appear disingenuous.

Once your investments into PPC stop, the results will stop flowing instantly. Following this decision, your organic ranking will be all your brand can rely on in order to get the clicks needed for survival. When comparing PPC’s longevity with that of SEO, you will find that the effects of the latter last far longer. Although you’ll find it isn’t difficult to beat the longevity of PPC. Nevertheless, even neglect your website, the results of SEO will still be apparent! One slight downside, however, is the time it can take for the results to come through in the first place. It will typically take several months before you notice the difference.

The decision between PPC and SEO will ultimately rely on your desired end goal. If you’re after quick results and the hard sale, we would recommend Pay Per Click. Alternatively, if you want to build up your credibility whilst heightening your profit, SEO is likely to be the smarter choice. Our final recommendation, however, is to allow the two methods to work in tandem, should your budget allow for it!


Get In Touch!


Are you still struggling to decide whether you need PPC in your digital marketing strategy? Or, perhaps you know what you need and want to hear more about what we can do for you? Well, it’s far easier to answer these questions after having a chat with you about your brand’s specific needs! Please get in touch to receive our support and expert guidance. You can reach us on 01376 386 850, or click here to reach us directly.