How A Vegan Marketing Agency Sees The Global Climate Crisis

As with any trend that has grown momentum throughout history, it has to start somewhere. It isn’t just born, instantly taking the world by storm. A trend requires trendsetters. Veganism as a lifestyle choice has actually been around for quite a while now; as far back as 1806 we can see veganism’s first infant footsteps, with archival records demonstrating vegetarians objecting to eggs and dairy on ethical grounds.

Cut to now, and a greater number of us than ever are seeing, not just the benefit, but the necessity of a plant based diet and lifestyle. There are still those who wonder whether it’s really necessary. The global climate crisis is very real, and it’s very current. We’re running out of time to take tangible action, and one of the most damaging industries on the planet is the meat industry. As a leading vegan marketing agency, part of our core ethos is take vegan brands mainstream; and to show veganism as a lifestyle through more media exposure and coverage. In this way, veganism doesn’t just become more well-known, it becomes the norm. The team here at VerriBerri, a vegan marketing and PR agency; wants to explain the urgent nature of the climate situation, and how that feeds into vegan brand marketing.

Some Statistics On The Environmental Benefits Of Veganism

A question we’re often asked here at the VerriBerri office, is how veganism helps in scientific, practical terms? After all, people don’t want to make what they think is a big lifestyle change, unless they feel it’s worthwhile. So, here are some of the proven statistics that help show the demonstrable enviromental benefits that going vegan can have:

  • According to the United Nations, the world will only be able to satisfy 60% of its water needs by 2030, if drastic policy change isn’t implemented. Given that a vegan requires three times less water than a meat eater, in terms of the water used to fuel their diets, a vegan lifestyle will go a long way to mitigating water shortages down the line.
  • The agricultural sector is the world’s leading cause of water pollution. Chemically-intensive farming methods that use fertilisers and slurry containing high levels of phosphor and nitrogen are leading to mass ocean-eutrophication (a mineral and nutrient richness that leads to excessive algal growth, which in turn prevents marine life from flourishing.).
  • An animal-based diet is more land-intensive than a plant-based diet. In terms of calorific potential and efficiency, an animal-based diet is incredibly inefficient. An inability to change to a vegan-based lifestyle will lead to increased food scarcity across the world in the future. It’s worth noting that currently, one in nine people (over 10%) of the world’s population are already chronically undernourished.

So, as you can see, adopting more vegan lifestyle choices indisputably helps the environment. That’s fact. And that’s something that anyone can adopt, and not just a vegan marketing agency. They say you can’t teach an old boomer new tricks, but if you made him a Bolognese with Quorn instead of beef? Well, let’s just say we don’t think that Jim, 64, Clacton-on-Sea, would notice any difference…

How To Utilise Veganism Into Your Marketing

Whether you’re specifically a vegan brand, or just a brand that wants to adopt more sustainable practices, there are various ways in which you can go about it. Take brochures, magazines, or publications, for example. If you market your materials using print methods, then a vegan marketing agency will optimise its environmental footprint. They’ll find more sustainable packaging methods – the use of biodegradable wrapping, for example. The PR team, by the same token, may only approach and pitch to those publications who have a track record of supporting and implementing more sustainable methodologies.

A vegan marketing agency will be able to digitise your business’ marketing processes; they’ll spend more energy on brand exposure via social media channels, and take the time to work on your business’ SEO value. Streamlining your processes in these ways not only benefits your business in terms of financial efficiency, it reduces your carbon footprint at the same time.

Instances When Veganism Becomes More Difficult

The last thing we want to do is shame those for whom veganism is not a viable lifestyle choice. As a vegan marketing agency, that simply isn’t part of our remit. If you’re unable to commit to veganism fully, then that’s ok! Part of what we want to do is explain where you can make lifestyle changes so that you live even a slightly more vegan lifestyle. So, when exactly does it become trickier to embrace veganism? Well, for a start, it’s incredibly difficult for those who have eating disorders; eating disorders are fuelled by rules and restrictions in most cases.

Put it this way, if you’re taking someone who already has a heavily restricted diet anyway, and implementing further restrictive parameters on top of that? It’s never usually conducive to recovery. Another example, is those who simply can’t afford it. Whilst not impossible, it can be quite expensive to live a vegan lifestyle, with lots of the substitute/alternative foods still at a point where they’re not common enough to be as cheap as the supermarket’s own brand meat or dairy-based equivalents. So, for students, for example, it can be quite tough maintaining veganism all the time.

Perhaps you think you’re not the sort of person that’d be able to commit to veganism. You love meat too much? You find that a greasy full English gives you life? Well, it may take a few days, weeks even to get used to, but veganism is worth it. By committing to a vegan lifestyle, you’ll feel better, save money and you’ll be helping the planet to survive. Also, by implementing veganism into your marketing; you can hold your head and heart high knowing that, as a business, you are ethically principled; something that few businesses can truly say. So, if you’d like to find out more about VerriBerri’s work as a vegan marketing agency, then get in touch! Contact us today on 01376 386 850 or click here to fill out our contact form.